Advanced features
Below is all icon pictures in conversation window.
Start video
Stop video
Resume the call
Unmute the webcam mic
Mute the webcam mic
Normal size video
Full screen video
Open dial pad
End call ( Hang up the call )
Group calls
Using your Toshiba TV, you can join Skype™ group voice and video
calls. However, you can only send and receive audio while on these calls.
You must be invited on to a group call, you cannot initiate it from the TV.
Incoming call
Incoming calls on Skype™ will be displayed on the bottom right hand
corner of your TV screen. You'll also hear a ring tone which can be
adjusted using the Volume buttons on your remote control.
Incoming Call...
Video Voice Decline
(Sample Image) Skype
incoming call menu
You are given three options when an incoming call arrives:
Video : Answer by video call.
Voice : Answer by voice call.
Decline : Decline the incoming call.
If other applications are active or recording, you'll only get an "Incoming
call notification" until the application or recording has stopped.
Using the Cloud TV Service features