110 T1-16S User’s Manual
7. Instructions
Rotate operations
Name Expression Function Steps
078 1 bit rotate
−[ RTR1 A ]−
Rotates data of A 1 bit to the
right (LSB direction). The
carry flag changes according
to the result.
2 6.8 172
079 1 bit rotate left
−[ RTL1 A ]−
Rotates data of A 1 bit to the
left (MSB direction). The
carry flag changes according
to the result.
2 6.8 173
080 n bit rotate
−[ A RTR n → B ]−
Rotates data of A n bits to
the right (LSB direction) and
stores the result in B. The
carry flag changes according
to the result.
4 10.2 174
081 n bit rotate left
−[ A RTL n → B ]−
Rotates data of A n bits to
the left (MSB direction) and
stores the result in B. The
carry flag changes according
to the result.
4 10.2 175
Compare instructions
Name Expression Function Steps
096 Greater than
−[ A > B ]−
Turns ON output if A > B.
3 6.1 178
097 Greater than or
−[ A >= B ]−
Turns ON output if A ≥ B.
3 5.3 179
098 Equal
−[ A = B ]−
Turns ON output if A = B.
3 5.0 180
099 Not equal
−[ A <> B ]−
Turns ON output if A ≠ B.
3 5.0 181
100 Less than
−[ A < B ]−
Turns ON output if A < B.
3 6.1 182
101 Less than or
−[ A <= B ]−
Turns ON output if A ≤ B.
3 5.3 183
102 Double-word
greater than
−[ A+1⋅A D> B+1⋅B ]−
Turns ON output
if A+1⋅A > B+1⋅B.
3 6.1 184
103 Double-word
greater than or
−[ A+1⋅A D>= B+1⋅B ]−
Turns ON output
if A+1⋅A ≥ B+1⋅B.
3 5.3 185
104 Double-word
−[ A+1⋅A D= B+1⋅B ]−
Turns ON output
if A+1⋅A = B+1⋅B.
3 5.0 186
105 Double-word
not equal
−[ A+1⋅A D<> B+1⋅B ]−
Turns ON output
if A+1⋅A ≠ B+1⋅B.
3 5.0 187
106 Double-word
less than
−[ A+1⋅A D< B+1⋅B ]−
Turns ON output
if A+1⋅A < B+1⋅B.
3 6.1 188
107 Double-word
less than or
−[ A+1⋅A D<= B+1⋅B ]−
Turns ON output
if A+1⋅A ≤ B+1⋅B.
3 5.3 189