6. LED Indicators
6.1 Front Panel
The interface board has 5 bicolor (red/green) LEDs that are visible through the
ASD’s front cover (labeled 2.1 through 2.5).
Interface Status:
Normally solid
green during operation. If a fatal error
occurs, this LED will flash a red error
code. The number of sequential blinks
(followed by 3s of OFF time) indicates
the error code.
EIP Module Status / Reserved:
When the multi-protocol firmware
image (with EtherNet/IP support) is
loaded, this LED conforms to the
prescribed “module status LED”
behavior as dictated in the
EtherNet/IP specification, Volume 2,
Chapter 9. When the Profinet IO
firmware image is loaded, this LED is
reserved, and therefore always OFF.
Interface Status 2.1
EIP Module Status /
EIP Network Status /
Profinet Cnxn Status
Ethernet Activity 2.4
Heartbeat 2.5