Tap the icon ( ) to find more settings for Clock:
Night mode: Select to view local time with very dim display.
Settings: The following options are displayed:
Style: Tap to open a dialog where you can choose the style of
the Clock as Analog or Digital.
Automatic home clock: Check to add a Clock for home when
travelling in an area with different time zone.
Home time zone: Tap to open a list of time zones. Check to
select a time zone for your home.
Setting an alarm
1. Tap the icon (
) on the left top of the screen.
2. Tap an existing alarm clock to change its time and other settings.
Or tap the icon ( ) to add a new one.
Tap the icon ( ) to find more settings for alarms:
Silence after: Select the time when you want your alarm to stop
Snooze length: Select how long your alarm will snooze after you
turned it off.
Alarm volume: Tap to open a dialog where you can drag a slider to
adjust the volume.
Volume buttons: Tap to open a dialog where you can choose if you
want your Volume buttons to Snooze, Dismiss, or Do nothing.
Setting a timer
1. Tap the timer icon (
2. Enter the period of time you want.
Tap Clear icon (
) to delete the last number you entered. Press &
hold this icon to delete everything in the display.
3. Tap Start to start.
After starting a timer, you can work with it as follows:
Enter a name: Tap ( ).
Pause a timer: Tap STOP.
Tap ( ) to add one minute to the current time. One minute can
be added with each tap. You can tap several times to add more
Delete a timer: Tap ( ).
Repeat a timer: Tap ( ).
Tap ( ) to add more timers.
The timer beeps when the time is up. It will keep beeping until you tap
User's Manual