(Revision Date: Jul. 15, 2008)
2.6.4 Short-pitch Tag
A short-pitch tag kit is supplied with the B-SX704-RFID-U2-US-R to enable the RFID kit to encode
short-pitch tags properly. When the short-pitch tag kit is attached to the printer, the write field will be
The RFID kit is designed so that the second label is positioned just above the antenna while the first
label is at the print start position, when using the following short-pitch label.
After printing a label, a reverse feed for a distance equivalent to one label pitch is required to write data
onto its tag. During this reverse feed, the bottom edge of the printed label may be stuck on the print
head edge, causing a feed jam. This is because the labels become thicker due to embedded tags.
In most cases, this problem can be avoided by enabling the ribbon saving function of the printer which
raises the thermal head during a reverse feed. When using short-pitch tags, enable the ribbon saving
When several labels are issued in a batch, set the offset printing parameter to 1 (Offset printing is
performed without a reverse feed of the first label.) in order to make the printer issue labels without
performing a reverse feed. In this case, however, the printer does not print or write data on the first
label, so it is wasteful. This mode is not suitable for applications where a small number of labels are
issued on an as-needed basis.
For details of the offset printing feature, refer to the B-SX4T/SX5T External Equipment Interface
Specification (TAA-1380).
[Printer settings for use of short-pitch tags]
In the printer system mode, set the RFID-related parameters as follows:
Q value: 2, WT AGC (AGC threshold for data write): 10, WT MIN AGC (AGC threshold lower limit for
retry): 10
When using short-pitch tags, a target tag is identified by measuring the AGC of tags within the read
range. A tag of which AGC is equal to or higher than the specified threshold (10) is considered to be
positioned just above the antenna (=target tag), and a data write is performed on it.
When the AGC is less than the threshold, a data write is not performed on such tag.
20 mm
5 mm
Rafsec Short Dipole2 Tag
Media feed direction