Wireless Radio
For product available in the USA/Canada market, only channel 1-
11 can be operated. Selection of other channels is not possible.
The devicecould automaticallydiscontinue transmissionincase of
absence of informationto transmit, oroperational failure. Note that
this is not intended to prohibit transmission of control or signaling
information or the use of repetitive codes where required by the
Important: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved
by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate this equipment.
IC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with
IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated
with minimumdistance 20cm betweenthe radiator &your body.
Notes on handling
• When shipping the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player, the original
shipping carton and packing materials come in handy. For
maximum protection,repack theunit asit was originallypacked
at the factory. Take care not to give it a shock or shake when
• Do notuse volatile liquids,such as insectspray, nearthe
Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player. Do not leave rubber or plastic
products in contact with the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player for a
long time.They will leavemarks onthe finish.
• The top and rear panels ofthe Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player may
become warm after a long period of use. This is not a
• When the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player is not in use, be sure to
remove thedisc and turnoff the power.
• If you do not use the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player for a long
period, the unit may not function properly in the future. T urn on
and usethe Blu-ray Disc™/DVDplayer occasionally.
Notes on locating
Place the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player on a l evel surface. Do not
use it on a shaky or unstable surface such as a wobbling table or
inclined stand. The loaded disc may come off the proper position
and causedamage to theBlu-ray Disc™/DVD player.
When you place this Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player near a TV, radio,
or VCR, the playback picture may become poor and the sound
may be distorted. In this case, place the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD
player awayfrom the TV,radio, orVCR.
Do not use this player in places which are extremely hot, cold,
dusty orhumid.
Do not restrict the air flow of this player by placing it somewhere
with poor air flow, by c overing it with a cloth, or by placing it on
bedding orcarpeting.
Besure toremovethe discand unplugtheAC powercordfrom the
outlet beforecarrying the player.
Notes on cleaning
Use asoft, dry c loth forcleaning.
• For stubborn dirt, soak the cloth in a weak detergent solution,
wring welland wipe. Usea dry clothto wipeit dry.
Do not use any type of solvent,such as thinners and benzene,
as they may damage the surface of the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD
• If you use a chemical saturated cloth to clean the unit, follow
that product'sinstructions.
Inspection and Maintenance
This Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player is a high technology, precision
device. Ifthe optical pick-uplens and discdrive parts becomedirty
or worn down, the picture quality may be reduced. To avoid
reduction in picture quality, it is recommended that regular
inspection and maintenance (cleaning or parts replacement) be
performed every 1,000 hours of use. For further details, contact
your nearestconsumer electronics dealer.
Notes on moisture condensation
Moisture condensation damages the Blu-ray
Disc™/DVD player. Please read the following
Moisture condensation occurs, forexample, when you pour acold
drink into a glass on a warm d ay. Drops of water form on the
outside of the glass. I n the same way, moisturemay condense on
the optical pick-up lens inside this unit, one of the most crucial
internal partsof the Blu-rayDisc™/DVD player.
Moisture condensation occurs during the
following cases.
When youbring theBlu-ray Disc™/DVDplayer directlyfrom acold
place toa warm place.
Whenyou usethe Blu-rayDisc™/DVDplayer ina roomwhereyou
just turned on the heater, or a place where the cold wind from the
air conditionerdirectly hits theunit.
In summer, when you use the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player in a hot
and humid place just after you move the unit from an air
conditioned room.
When youuse the Blu-rayDisc™/DVD player ina humidplace.
Do not use the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player when
moisture condensation may occur.
If youusethe Blu-rayDisc™/DVD playerin sucha situation,it may
damage discs and internal parts. Remove the disc, connect the
power cordofthe Blu-rayDisc™/DVD playerto thewalloutlet, turn
on the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player, and leave it for two or three
hours. After two orthree hours, the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD playerwill
have warmed up and evaporated any moisture. Keep the Blu-ray
Disc™/DVD player connected to the wall outlet and moisture
condensation willseldom occur.
On Safety
Do not handle the AC power cord with wet hands and do not put
your fingersor objects intothe player.
When connecting or disconnecting the AC power cord, grip the
plug and not the cord itself. Pulling the cord may damage it and
create ahazard.