General Tab
[Image] Group
[Character Code]:
Select a character code table to be applied to the printer font.
Default PC-850
PC-850, PC-8, PC-852, PC-857, PC-851, PC-855, PC-1250, PC-1251, PC-1252,
PC-1253, PC-1254, PC-1257, LATIN9, Arabic, PC-866, UTF-8
[Zero Font]:
Select whether or not a slash is attached to the printer font character "0".
Note that the no slash is attached for the following fonts, regardless of settings.
<Bitmap fonts> OCR-A, OCR-B, Gothic 725 Black, Kanji, Chinese
<Outline fonts> Price Font 1, Price Font 2, Price Font 3, Dutch 801, Brush 738, Gothic 725,
True Type Font
Default without Slash
Options without Slash, with Slash
[EURO Font Code]:
Set printer font characters you want to assign to EURO fonts.
Enter two alphanumeric characters from "0" to "F".
Entries are not case-sensitive.
Two characters indicate one HEX character. (Example: "0" -> "30" or "A" -> "41")
Default B0
Range 20 to FF