Call-By-Call Overview
Strata DK Programming 5/00 7-13
Time Zones
This feature allows the programming of up to three time zones for a given channel group, thus
enabling different min/max scenarios and different services for each channel group.
In the example shown in Figure 7-3, Channel Group 1 is set for one time zone that starts at 00:00
and ends at 23:59.
Channel Group 2 is set for two time zones. Time zone 1 starts at 00:00 and ends at 12:00 hours;
time zone 2 starts at 12:00 hours and ends at 23:59 hours.
Channel Group 3 is set for three time zones. Time zone 1 starts at 00:60 hours and ends at 12:00
hours. Time zone 2 starts at 12:00 hours and ends at 18:00 hours. Time zone 3 starts at 18:00 hours
and ends at 00:60 hours.
An example of an application for time zones would be a cable TV provider. During the day, they
would have more outbound trunk lines set up for telemarketing. In the evening, there would be
more inbound traffic as people would be ordering subscriptions services. Therefore some lines
would be shared by more than one trunk group to ensure that all the traffic can be handled. There
would also be several lines reserved for DID calls.
Call-by-Call Programming
There are three programs used to set up the Call-by-Call feature.
67-5 – Multiple Time Zone Settings. This program maps the channel groups to the
time zones.
67-3 – ISDN Trunk Group Minimum Channel Reservation. This program sets the
number of reserved channels for a given trunk group. These channels will be reserved to a type of
service, such as 800 calls, DID, etc. You can specify up to 47 B-channels as a minimum if
D-channels are shared using Non-Facility Associated Signaling.
Note Available shared channels is the total number of channels in a channel group (23 or 47)
minus the total reserved (minimum) channels assigned to all trunk groups within the
channel group.
Time Zone 1
12:00 18:00 23:5906:0000:00
Time Zone 2 Time Zone 3Time Zone 3 Time Zone 1
Time Zone 2Time Zone 1
Channel Group 2
Channel Group 1
Channel Group 3
Figure 7-3 Time Zones