SECTION 100-816-207
MARCH 1993
3.35 DK16 Expansion Unit MOH Relay Control.
Configure the PIOU or PIOUS for the MOH relay
function in accordance with the following steps
(refer to Figures 7-6 and 7-7):
1) Access Program 77-1. Set LED 05 to ON to
configure the Night/MOH relay for the MOH
relay function.
2A) Set the P11 jumper plug on the PIOU to the
MAKE or BREAK position, as required:
MAKE—Shorts the normally open con-
tacts (pins 9 and 34) when any CO line is
on hold.
BREAK—Opens the normally closed
contacts (pins 9 and 34) when any CO
line is on hold.
2B) Solder the W2 jumper on the PIOUS to the
MAKE or BREAK position, as required:
MAKE—Shorts the normally open con-
tacts (NHT and NHR) when any CO line
is on hold.
BREAK—Opens the normally closed
contacts (NHT and NHR) when any CO
line is in on hold.
3) Refer to Figures 7-6 and 7-7 for wiring/inter-
connecting details. Connect the PIOU or
PIOUS to the MDF as required for the MOH
relay function.
4.00 STRATA DK8 and DK16 systems provide
three options utilizing an HESB:
4.01 DK8 and DK16 Loud Ringing Bell Option.
The Loud Ringing Bell option allows the voice first
or ringing signal tone to be amplified without the use
of other manufacturers’ equipment. The voice first
and ringing signal tones can be amplified on all
6500-series electronic telephones and 2000- and
1000-series digital telephones equipped with HHEU
PCBs (refer to Section 100-816-206). The HESB
automatically turns off once the ringing call or voice
first has been manually answered from the elec-
tronic or digital telephone. This turn-off feature
prevents audio feedback problems.
4.02 Amplified Speaker Option. The Amplified
Speaker option allows the HESB to be configured
as a paging speaker. The HESB is connected to the
600 ohm Page RCA jack on the DK8 KSU or DK16
Base Unit to provide an amplified external speaker.
4.03 Talkback Amplified Speaker Option. The
Talkback Amplified Speaker option allows a
talkback speaker to be provided in areas where a
telephone is not needed. In this configuration, the
HESB is connected to the 600 ohm Page RCA jack
on the DK8 KSU or DK16 Base Unit and is used as
the amplifier and speaker. The door phone unit
(MDFB) is connected to the HESB, and serves as
a microphone to provide talkback operation. (The
MDFB microphone is always on in this application
so the pushbutton is inoperative, and the unit
serves only as a microphone for talkback.)
The 600 ohm Page RCA jack is two-way
(duplex) and is compatible with most commer-
cially available talkback amplifiers.
4.10 System Hardware Requirements
4.11 System hardware requirements vary depend-
ing on the HESB option selected. Refer to the
following installation procedures for the system
hardware requirements for each option.
4.20 HESB Option Installation
4.21 Loud Ringing Bell Installation. Install the
HESB Loud Ringing Bell option in accordance with
the following procedures:
DK8 and DK16 HESB Installation for Digital
Telephone Loud Ring Bell (Figure 7-10):
1) Connect a jumper between Terminals 2 and
10 on the HESB TB1 terminal block.
2) Connect a jumper between Terminals 4 and 5
on the HESB TB2 terminal block.
1. HESB connections made in steps 3~5
may be accomplished using the HESB
VOICE modular jack instead of the TB1
terminal block.