This section describes the procedures to set the E-mail properties on how the machine activates the Internet Fax function. The following table describes the E-mail
properties that can be set up. See the following sections for more information about each item.
Properties Name Description
Print Text Body This is to set On or Off for printing the body section of the received E-mail. However, when the received E-mail
has only the body section, the body section is printed even if this is set to Off.
Body Page Limit This is to set the maximum number of the pages to be printed when receiving an E-mail. If the number of the
pages to be printed exceeds the limit, the machine interrupts the printing.
Send Disposition This is to set On or Off for replying to the MDN request when receiving the documents from other machines
using the Internet Fax function.
Print Header This is to set On or Off for printing the header section of the received E-mail.
Print E-mail Error This is to set On or Off for printing only the items that can be printed normally when an error occurs. The items
that machine recognizes to be erroneous are not printed.
Print DSN This is to set On or Off for printing the DSN.
Print Disposition This is to set On or Off for printing the MDN replied from a recipient that informs you the message successfully
received by a recipient.
Request DSN This is to set On or Off for sending the DSN request.
Confirm. Timer This is to set On or Off for printing the alert report if the machine does not receive the MDN reply from a
recipient in the time interval set in "Set Confirm. Time."
Set Confirm. Time This is to set the time interval to wait for the MDN reply before printing the alert report.
MSG Size Limit This is to set the maximum size for sending documents using the Internet Fax function. If the size of
documents exceeds the maximum size, the machine sends the documents separately.
There are also the E-mail properties related to the Offramp Gateway function. When you set the Receive Mode to “SMTP”, you can addtionally configure the following
items. For further details, see “OFFRAMP GATEWAY SETUP” on page 85.
Properties Name Description
E-mail to FAX Gateway This sets the machine to allow forwarding the document that is received by the Offramp Gate-way transmission.
(See page 87.)
Gateway Print This sets whether to print the document sent from the Inter-net FAX machine using the Offramp Gateway
transmis-sion. The machine prints the document before forwarding it to the facsimile, so that you can confirm
what is sending using the Offramp Gateway. (See page 88.)
Gateway Security This sets whether to check the fax number where the docu-ment is sent before allowing the Offramp Gateway. If
the fax number of the facsimile is not registered as One Touch dials or Abbreviated dials, the machine does not
allow the Offramp Gateway for this document. (See page 89.)