Chapter 12: Additional Information
Unable to successfully connect. Check the status.
Cause An error occurred while trying to connect to a device or service.
Solution Check the status of the device or service and try connecting
Unable to successfully disconnect. Check the status.
Cause An error occurred while trying to disconnect from a device or
Solution Reset the Toshiba Pocket PC.
Unable to update service information.
Cause An error occurred while trying to update the service informa-
The passkey was not entered within the 20-second time limit
and, as a result, the program timed out.
An incorrect passkey was entered.
There are no available services.
Solution Try updating the service information again.
The Bluetooth authentication failed. Please retry to enter the correct
Bluetooth passkey (PIN Code).
Cause An error occurred while trying to update the service informa-
The passkey was not entered within the 20-second time limit
and, as a result, the program timed out.
An incorrect passkey was entered.
Solution Try updating the service information again with correct pass-
Request was refused by security reason. Please check remote set-
tings and try again.
Cause An error occurred while trying to update the service informa-
Connection request was refused by security reason.
Solution Check remote settings and try updating the service information
Remote Bluetooth is not available or request was refused by secu-
rity reason. Please check remote settings and try again.
Cause An error occurred while trying to update the service informa-
Connection request was refused by security reason.
The passkey was not entered within the 20-second time limit
and, as a result, the program timed out.
An incorrect passkey was entered.
Solution Check remote settings and try updating the service information
again with correct passkey.
The connection is not registered. Use the Bluetooth Setup Utility to
register the connection.
Solution Register the connection and try connecting again.