86 Network Operator’s Guide — TopAccess Errors
TopAccess Errors
This chapter describes the most common TopAccess errors and provides steps to resolve the
conditions. If the problem persists after you have followed all of the steps, make sure to note
what you were trying to do and any error messages appear, etc. — and then contact your service
TopAccess Error Messages
NOTE: • The error messages displayed in the Touch Panel Display are described in the
Operator’s Manual for Basic Function.
Print Job Status Messages
The status and result of the print jobs is indicated as following in the Print Job page in the Job
Status tab and Print Log page in the Logs tab.
Transmission/Reception Journal Status Messages
The result of the transmission and reception is indicated as follows in the Transmission Journal
and Reception Journal pages in the Logs tab.
The following table describes the Error Code.
Error Code Cause Corrective Action
PM size error 1200 dpi print jobs cannot be printed
without the optional expansion memory.
Send a print job with a 600 dpi setting.
Print enable error Please purchase the Printer Kit or Printer/
Scanner Kit if you want to use the print-
ing function.
HDD full error Delete unnecessary private print jobs and
invalid department print jobs.
A221 Job canceled (Job was canceled.)
Power failure Check if the power cable is connected
properly and it is inserted securely.
Check if the power voltage is unstable.
Error Code Cause Corrective Action
0011 Paper jam Clear the jammed printing paper.
0012 Original jam Clear the jammed original.
0013 Door open Firmly close the open door.
0020 Power interruption Check the power interruption report.
Reset (The transmission was canceled by
pressing the [FUNCTION CLEAR]
Polling Error Check polling options setup (Security
Code, etc.), and check if the polling
document exists.
Memory full Make sure that there is sufficient
memory before making the call again.