User’s Manual 1-17
TOSHIBA Gesture Controller is software which
allows the computer's Web camera to be used
with gestures in place of mouse and remote
controller operations to control the TOSHIBA
DVD PLAYER when watching or listening to
video or music. To start this software, follow the
steps and details below:1.To start the TOSHIBA
Gesture Controller, click Gesture Interface
Launch button in the TOSHIBA HD Console on
the Windows Sidebar.2.The Gesture Interface
Launch button display will change to Gesture
Interface Running, the TOSHIBA Gesture
Controller will start and the TOSHIBA Gesture
Controller window will be displayed. TOSHIBA
Gesture Controller software is equipped with
some models. Please refer to the help file of
software for details.
Toshiba Graphical
Video Library
This software allows you to display a list of all the
files and subfolders within a specified folder,
index videos and play files. The Index Viewer can
also be started in order to view the results of
video indexing. Please refer to the help file of
software for details. To start this software, click
Start -> All Programs -> Windows Media
Center -> TOSHIBA -> Video Library. TOSHIBA
Graphical Video Library software is equipped
with some models.
Bluetooth Stack for
Windows by Toshiba
This software enables communication between
the computer and external Bluetooth devices
such as printers and mobile phones.
Bluetooth functions cannot be used in models that do not have a Bluetooth
module installed.
TOSHIBA Assist TOSHIBA Assist is a graphical user interface that
provides access to specific tools, utilities and
applications that make the use and configuration
of the computer easier.
TOSHIBA ConfigFree TOSHIBA ConfigFree is a suite of utilities that
improve the ease and control of communication
devices and network connections, help in the
identification of communication problems and
allow the creation of profiles if you need to switch
between different locations and communication
networks. To access this utility, click Start -> All
Programs -> TOSHIBA -> ConfigFree.