3. Read (including ECC data read)
Reading valid data
; ***** Read valid data*****
ldw (ndfmcr0),5008h ; CE1 enable
ldw (ndfmcr0),50A8h ; WE enable, CLE enable
ldw (ndfdtr0),0000h ; Read command 1
ldw (ndfmcr0),50C8h ; ALE enable
ldw (ndfdtr0),00xxh ; Address write (4 or 5 times)
ldw (ndfmcr0),50A8h ; WE enable, CLE enable
ldw (ndfdtr0),0030h ; Read command 2
; Wait set up time (from Busy to Ready)
; 1. Flag polling
; 2. Interrupt
ldw (ndfmcr0),540Dh ; ECC reset, ECC circuit enable, decode mode
ldw xxxx,(ndfdtr0) ; Data read (259 times: 518 bytes)
ldw (ndfmcr0),550Ch ; RSECGW enable
ldw xxxx,(ndfdtr0) ; Read ECC (5 times: 80 bits)
; Wait set up time (20 system clocks)
(1) Error bit calculation
ldw (ndfmcr1),0047h ; Error bit calculation interrupt enable
ldw (ndfmcr0),560Ch ; Error bit calculation circuit start
; Wait set up time
; Interrupt routine (End of calculation for Reed-Solomon Error bit)
INT: ldw xxxx,(ndfmcr1) ; Check error status ”STATE3:0, SEER1:0”
; If error is found, the error processing routine is performed to
; correct the error data. For details see “Error Correction
; Methods”.
; The read operation is repeated four times to read 2112 bytes.