2. Summary of system equipment
Technical specifications - outdoor units
Rating hp 5 6 8 10 12
Cooling only model MMY-MAP 0501T8 0601T8 0801T8 1001T8 1201T8
Heat pump model MMY-MAP 0501HT8 0601HT8 0801HT8 1001HT8 1201HT8
Cooling capacity kW 14.0 16.0 22.4 28.0 33.5
Heating capacity kW 16.0 18.0 25.0 31.5 37.5
Technical specifications - combination of outdoor units
Rating hp 5 6 8 10 12 14 16
Cooling only model MMY-MAP 0501T8 0601T8 0801T8 1001T8 1201T8 1401T8 1601T8
Heat pump model MMY-MAP 0501HT8 0601HT8 0801HT8 1001HT8 1201HT8 1401HT8 1601HT8
Cooling capacity kW 14.0 16.0 22.4 28.0 33.5 38.4 45.0
Heating capacity kW 16.0 18.0 25.0 31.5 37.5 43.0 50.0
Combined outdoor units hp 5 6 8 10 12 8 8
- - - - - 6 8
No. of connectable indoor units 8 10 13 16 20 23 27
Rating hp 18 20 22 22 24 24 26
Cooling only model MMY-MAP 1801T8 2001T8 2201T8 2211T8 2401T8 2411T8 2601T8
Heat pump model MMY-MAP 1801HT8 2001HT8 2201HT8 2211HT8 2401HT8 2411HT8 2601HT8
Cooling capacity kW 50.4 56.0 61.5 61.5 68.0 68.0 73.0
Heating capacity kW 56.5 63.0 69.0 69.0 76.5 76.5 81.5
Combined outdoor units hp 10 10 8 12 8 12 10
8 10 8 10 8 12 8
- - 6 - 8 - 8
No. of connectable indoor units 30 33 37 37 40 40 43
Rating hp 28 30 32 32 34 34 36
Cooling only model MMY-MAP 2801T8 3001T8 3201T8 3211T8 3401T8 3411T8 3601T8
Heat pump model MMY-MAP 2801HT8 3001HT8 3201HT8 3211HT8 3401HT8 3411HT8 3601HT8
Cooling capacity kW 78.5 84.0 90.0 90.0 96.0 96.0 101.0
Heating capacity kW 88.0 95.0 100.0 100.0 108.0 108.0 113.0
Combined outdoor units hp 10 10 8 12 10 12 10
10 10 8 10 8 12 10
8 10 8 10 8 10 8
- - 8 - 8 - 8
No. of connectable indoor units 47 48 48 48 48 48 48
Rating hp 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Cooling only model MMY-MAP 3611T8 3801T8 4001T8 4201T8 4401T8 4601T8 4801T8
Heat pump model MMY-MAP 3611HT8 3801HT8 4001HT8 4201HT8 4401HT8 4601HT8 4801HT8
Cooling capacity kW 101.0 106.5 112.0 118.0 123.5 130.0 135.0
Heating capacity kW 113.0 119.5 126.5 132.0 138.0 145.0 150.0
Combined outdoor units hp 12 10 10 12 12 12 12
12 10 10 10 12 12 12
12 10 10 10 10 12 12
- 8 10 10 10 10 12
No. of connectable indoor units 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
Branching joints and headers
Model Usage Appearance
Y-shape branching joint (*3) RBM-BY53E Indoor unit capacity code (*1) : Total below 6.4
RBM-BY103E Indoor unit capacity code (*1) : Total 6.4 or more and below 14.2 (*2)
RBM-BY203E Indoor unit capacity code (*1) : Total 14.2 or more and below 25.2 (*2)
RBM-BY303E Indoor unit capacity code (*1) : Total 25.2 or more (*2)
4-branching header (*4) RBM-HY1043E Indoor unit capacity code (*1) : Total below 14.2 Max.4
RBM-HY2043E Indoor unit capacity code (*1) : Total 14.2 or more and below 25.2 branches
8-branching header (*4) (*5) RBM-HY1083E Indoor unit capacity code (*1) : Total below 14.2 Max.8
RBM-HY2083E Indoor unit capacity code (*1) : Total 14.2 or more and below 25.2 branches
T-shape branching joint RBM-BT13E 1 set of 3 types of T-shape joint pipes as described below:
(For connection of The required quantity is arranged and they are combined at the site.
outdoor units)
Connection piping Corresponding dia. (mm) Q’ty
Balance pipe Ø3/8” 1
Liquid side piping Ø3/8” to Ø7/8” 1
Gas side piping Ø5/8” to Ø1-5/8” 1
*1 The capacity code can be obtained from page 10 (capacity code is not actual capacity).
*2 If total capacity code value of indoor unit exceeds that of outdoor unit, apply capacity code of outdoor unit.
*3 When using Y-shape branching joint for 1st branching, select according to capacity code of outdoor unit.
*4 Max. 6.0 capacity code in total can be connected.
*5 If capacity code of outdoor unit is 26 and more, it is not used for 1st branching.
*6 Model names for outdoor and indoor units described in this guide are shortened because of the space constraints.