User's Manual
Sound drivers A broad range of audio controls are available through the
ADI sound driver, including Software Synthesize, Mic
Volume, Noise Resudction and Audio Power Management.
Click Control Panel and click SoundMAX icon to change
the Mic Noise Reduction settings and the Power Manage-
ment settings.
For other sound settings, use the Windows Device
Manager, Multimedia Panel or Volume Dial.
TOSHIBA This utility lets you make the Fn key sticky, that is, you
Accessibility can press it once, release it, and they press an “F number”
key. The Fn key remains active until another key is
TOSHIBA Mobile This utility allows you to dock with or undock from a
Extension3 docker or port replicator, while your system is powered on,
or while in Stand-by or Hibernation. Settings can be
modified from the "TOSHIBA Mobile Extension3" icon in
the TOSHIBA Console.
Hot key utility This utility lets you display or hide a confirmation message
when you press Fn + F3 or Fn + F4.
TOSHIBA Tablet This utility allows you to logon to the system.
Access Code If a password has been set, a dialog box with a prompt
Logon Utility (e.g. Password=) appears when you turn the power on.
If the system is in tablet mode, you can enter a password
by clicking on keys of the soft keyboard with the Tablet
PC Pen.
TOSHIBA Zooming This utility allows you to enlarge or reduce the text size
Utility on the Internet Explorer window and the icon size on
the desktop.
TOSHIBA Console TOSHIBA Console is a graphical user interface that
provides easy access to help and services. It is the default
function launched by the TOSHIBA Console button.
PC Diagnostic TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool displays the basic in
Tool formation on PC, and the test of built-in devices can also
be performed.You can boot TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool
form the menu bar as follows.
[Start]-[All Programs]-[TOSHIBA]-[Utilities]-[PC Diagnos-
tic Tool]