contained in the output current word offsets must first be converted from
hexadecimal to decimal, and then divided by 100. For example, if the output
current high byte is 0x23 and the output current low byte is 0x15, then 0x2315
converted to decimal is 8981. Dividing this number by 100, the actual output
current of 89.91% rated drive current is obtained.
Output Voltage
Drive parameter number FE05. Continuously reports the drive’s output voltage
in %. The actual output voltage calculation method is identical to that for
output current given above.
Action Bits / Parameter Number
Parameter action bits and 16-bit parameter register number. Refer to section
10 for a detailed explanation of these items.
Parameter Data
During parameter register reads, this word contains the requested data
response. Refer to section 10 for a detailed explanation of this data word
Again, in case of any discrepancies, documentation provided by the drive
manufacturer supersedes the examples given here.