Getting Started
To Restart your computer
3 In the lower right of the screen click the Power ( ) icon.
(Sample Image) Shut down
4 Highlight Shut down while holding the
Shift key, and then
click the Shut down option.
The computer closes all open applications, shuts down the
operating system, and then turns off.
To Restart your computer
1 From the Start or Desktop screen, move your pointer over the
upper or lower right corner of the screen.
2 When the Windows
Charms appear, click the Settings ()
3 In the lower right of the screen click the Power ( ) icon.
(Sample Image) Restart
4 Highlight Restart, and then click the Restart option.
The computer closes all open applications, and restarts the
operating system.
To place your computer in Sleep mode
1 From the Start or Desktop screen, move your pointer over the
upper or lower right corner of the screen.
2 When the Windows
Charms appear, click the Settings ()