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<Self-diagnosis by check codes>
1) The self-diagnosis by the check codes is con-
ducted under the block displays of item B-H in
Table 9-2-1.
2) Remote control key operation under the ser-
vice mode is conducted by ON/OFF or TEMP.
The remote control display by each key op-
eration is varied as shown below. Two digit
number is displayed in a hexadecimal num-
3) The self-diagnosis by the check codes is con-
ducted with procedures shown below.
a) Enter the service mode and make sure the
off timer display of the remote control shows
b) Operate the “ON/OFF” key and make sure
the timer lamp on the display section is
flashing (5 Hz).
c) At the same time, also make sure the op-
eration lamp is also flashing. This shows
that the protection circuit on the indoor PC
board is working.
d) Operate the TEMP. key and make sure
the remote control display shows and
flashing of the operation lamp. If the op-
eration lamp is flashing, it shows the pro-
tection circuits for connecting cable is work-
ing or thermal fuse is blown.
e) In the same way, operate the TEMP.
key so that the display is increased one
by one to continue checks by the self-di-
agnosis as shown in the next table. From
up to check operations of
protection circuits for each block, and
to check operations of the
typical protection circuits.
Table 9-2-3
“ ”
“ ”
“ ”
“ ”
“ ”
Indication after operation
1 is added to data before operation.
1 is subtracted from data before operation.
10 is subtracted from data before operation.
Data before operation is directly transferred.
Operating key
TEMP. (Up)
TEMP. (Down)
“ ”