Part name
Fan motor
1. Remove the Multi blade fan.
2. Remove the hexagon head screw of fixing
fan motor holder.
3. Remove the fan motor holder (2 positions).
1. Take down the main unit and then treat the
drain pan on the floor.
2. Remove the set screws (561 : 7, 801,
1101, 1401 : 9 positions) of fixing lower
3. Remove the lower plate from main unit.
4. Remove the set screws (561 : Nothing,
801 : 2 positions, 1101, 1401 : 4 positions)
of fixing drain pan holder and main unit.
5. Remove the drain pan holder (561 :
Nothing, 801 : 1 position, 1101, 1401 : 2
positions) from main unit.
6. Remove the drain pan.
Pull it lower side.
1. Remove the drain pan.
2. Remove the set screw (1 position) of fixing
float switch holder.
3. Remove the plastics nut of foxing float
4. Remove the float switch.
Fan motor holder
(Fixing fan motor holder)
Fan motor
Screws (Fixing lower plate)
(Fixing drain pan holder)
Lower plate
Screws (Fixing drain pan holder)
Drain pan holder Drain pan
Float switch holder
Float switch
(Fixing float switch holder)
Float switch holder
Float switch (View from reverse side)
Plastic nut
3 -2
3 -3
4 -2
4 -3
4 -4
4 -5
5 -2
5 -3
Drain pan
Float switch