10.1. Weighed Article Registration [Mode SW. (1): WEIGH position]
* Auto Mode [Mode SW. (2): AUTO position]
(1) Press unit price preset key ot’ entel
the unit price.
ex.) Unit price of S 2.50/lb.
(2) Place an article on the platter.
(3) The label is issued automatically.
(Sample label)
Id9 Hilton St.
* Manual Mode [Mode SW. (2): MANUAL position]
(1) Press unit price preset key or enter
the unit price.
ex.) Unit price of $ 2.50/lb is set
in preset key
(2) Place an article on the platter.
(3) Press pPRT/+ or department key
for the article.
(4) The label is issued.
m •I JUL 25
mu rAUG 04
,msJUL 25 aunAUG 04
2.00 2.50
mmtm PRimcr/a;, RI IT.m smn/aa , ”
Id9 Milton St. 149 Milton St.
(Sam,,le labels,
When the Mode SW. (2) is set to AUTO position, the character(s) registered in the department key is
(are) printed in the department name area of the label.
When them key is pressed with the Mode SW. (2) set to MANUAL position, the character(s) printed
in the department name area of the label is (are) also that (those) registered in advance in the department
key. The data (Weight data, Item data, and Total Price data) of the issued label is added to the department
No. 8 memory.
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