6 F 3 B 0 3 6 4
3) Example of Using the READ Instruction
|R0000 |
1|-| |-+[ 00718 MOV RW116][ 00001 MOV RW117]--------------|
| | / *Specifies a read destination and the number |
| | of words to read
/ |
| | |
| +[ H0001 READ RW116 -> D1665][ RST R0000]----------|
| /
Executes the READ instruction, and clears |
| R0000 after the execution
/ |
Description of the READ instruction
H0001: Specifies the Module: High-order 2 digits: specifies a unit
Low-order 2 digits: specifies a slot
H 0 0 0 1, specifies slot 1 in the basic unit.
Basic unit Slot 1 ( for slot 10:
H 0 0 0 A
RW116: specifies a read destination. In this case, station status register "718 (02CEH)
is specified.
RW117: specifies the number of words to read ("1").
D1665: specifies the register that stores the station status read. In this case, the
station status read to "D1665" is stored.
The station status will be stored in "D1665" by turning ON "R0000."
4) How to Use the WRITE Instruction
|R0112 |
1|-| |-+[ 00256 MOV D0091]--------------------------------|
| | /
Prepares write data
/ |
| | |
| +[ 01023 MOV RW104][ 00001 MOV RW105]--------------|
| | /
Specifies a write destination and the number |
| | of words to write
/ |
| | |
| +[D0091 WRITE RW104 -> H0001][ RST R0112]--------|
| /
Executes the WRITE instruction and clears |
| R0112 after the execution
/ |
Description of the WRITE instruction
H0001: Specifies the Module: High-order 2 digits: specifies a unit
Low-order 2 digits: specifies a slot
H 0 0 0 1, speciies slot 1 in the basic unit.
Basic unit Slot 1 ( for slot 10: H 0 0 0 A )
RW104: specifies a write destination. In this case, request register "1023 (D3FFH)" is
RW105: specifies the number of words to write ("1").
D0091: specifies the register that stores data to write in the request register. In this
case, data (256(0100H) is stored in "D0091."
Data "256" in "D0091" will be written in the request register by turning ON "R0112."