3.19 Sound/Modem/LAN Test 3 Tests and Diagnostics
3.19 Sound/Modem/LAN Test
This section describes how to perform the Sound/Modem/LAN test with the test program.
CAUTION: The system is capable of producing high volume sound. When you use a
headphone, be careful to set the volume low and adjust it as necessary. Using a
headphone at full volume might damage your ears.
Toshiba MS-DOS is required to run the DIAGNOSTICS TEST PROGRAM. To start the
DIAGNOSTIC TEST PROGRAM, follow these steps:
(a) Insert the test program disk in the floppy disk drive and turn on the computer.
(The Diagnostics Disk contains the MS-DOS boot files.)
The following menu will appear:
* *
* 1 ( Microphoned Recording & play ) *
* 2 ( Sin wave ) *
* 3 ( LAN(100M) ) *
* 4 ( MODEM ) *
* *
....Press test number [1-4] ?
(b) To execute the TEST, select the option number you want to execute and press Enter.
TECRA M2 Maintenance Manual (960-468) 3-45