(E) Symbio 160HD4
Copyright © 2004 TOSHIBA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Your Toshiba integrated HD television and Symbio AVHD
recorder allow you to easily manage your recorded programs
using the Stream Selection and Modify Program windows.
Displaying a list of recorded programs
in the Stream Selection window
To open the Stream Selection window and
display a list of recorded programs:
1. Press LIST on the remote control.
• After pressing LIST, it can take several seconds for the Stream
Selection window to appear.
•When you press LIST, the TV’s input is changed to IEEE-1394.
•To open the Stream Selection window using the menus, press
TheaterNet DEVICE; press y or z highlight the Symbio AVHD
device; and then press ENTER.
2. Press y or z to highlight the desired recording. The
highlighted program will appear in the preview window
and start playing from the beginning of the program.
3. Press ENTER to close the Stream Selection window and
watch the highlighted program on the full TV screen.
Note: The program will play from its beginning when you close the
Stream Selection window.
The Stream Selection window also displays the AVHD
recorder’s remaining recording capacity as a percentage of
total capacity.
For additional functions, see “Stream Selection window
remote control functions,” at right.
Managing recorded programs
Sorting recorded programs in the
Stream Selection window
The recorded programs listed in the Stream Selection window
are listed, by default, in order of the date they were recorded.
To sort the programs alphabetically by title, press x.
To sort the programs by date, press •.
Chapter 4: Using the Symbio AVHD recorder
Preview window
Stream Selection window remote control functions
Button Function
LIST Opens the Stream Selection window.
TheaterNet DEVICE Opens the TheaterNet Device Selection
window, from which you can select an
IEEE-1394 device to view. After
selecting a device, the Stream Selection
window opens.
y Highlights the previous program in the
list and starts playing the program, from
its beginning, in the preview window.
z Highlights the next program in the list
and starts playing the program, from its
beginning, in the preview window.
x Sorts the programs alphabetically by
• Sorts the programs by date (default).
INFO Displays the Modify Program window
(page 15) for the highlighted program.
Press EXIT to close the Modify Program
ENTER Closes the Stream Selection window and
starts playing the highlighted program
on the full TV screen from its beginning.
EXIT Closes the Stream Selection window and
continues playing the highlighted
program on the full TV screen from the
point it was playing in the preview
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