
Feature Summary
Feature SummaryFeature Summary
Feature Summary
The Toshiba Profibus-DP interface provides a wide array of network data access and
drive control features. Combined with the flexible configuration and high-speed data
transfer capabilities of the Profibus network, this allows powerful networked control
and monitoring systems to be designed. Some of the main features provided in the
G3 Profibus-DP interface which allow for this control and configurability are briefly
described here:
Profibus DP (Decentralized Periphery). The interface can also co-exist
simultaneously on networks using Profibus-FMS.
Network Baud Rates
Supports all Profibus baud rates from 9.6kbaud to 12Mbaud. The network baud rate
is automatically detected and continuously monitored during operation; no parameter
settings are necessary.
Global Control Functions
= Freeze mode
: Input (monitor) data values are held constant at the drive until the
next “freeze” command or an “unfreeze” command is received.
Used primarily for synchronized monitoring of multiple Profibus
= Sync mode
: Output (control) data values are held constant at the drive until the
next “sync” command or an “unsync” command is received. Used
primarily for synchronized control of multiple Profibus nodes.
= Clear_Data
: All output (control) data values are cleared to “0”.
Address Change Functions
Set_slave_address function supported – allows modification of the drive’s INVERTER
ID NUMBER parameter. The INVERTER ID NUMBER parameter can also be
changed while in the DATA_EXCHANGE state by accessing parameter register 204
(hex). Refer to sections 10 and 11 of this document for more information on
accessing parameter registers.
Network Watchdog
A network watchdog function is always operating within the interface – in the event of
a disconnection from the network or loss of the network master, the interface will
automatically stop the drive for safety (note that either the COMMAND MODE
SELECTION or FREQUENCY MODE SELECTION parameter must be set to 3 (network
control) in order for the drive to stop when a watchdog time-out occurs).