4-34 User’s Manual
Satellite U500/U500D, Satellite Pro U500/U500D
Sound Effects
This section explains how to select various sound effects.
■ Environment - simulates reverberations of sound for familiar
environments around us. You can select an existing preset in the menu.
■ Equalizer - raises or lowers a frequency of sound to simulate a popular
genre of music. You can select an existing preset in the menu.
■ Karaoke - Cancels the specific frequency of sound and results in the
Vocal Cancellation. Clicking the Karaoke icon, lowers the vocal sound
within music. Using the arrow buttons will adjust the musical key of the
Microphone Effects
Microphone Effects are only found within the Microphone window.
■ Noise Suppression reduces background noise and fan noise.
■ Accoustic Echo Cancellation reduces feedback and feedback echo.
Default Format
You can change the sample rate and bit depth of sound.
This section describes how to connect and disconnect the internal modem
to and from a telephone jack.
Region selection
Telecommunication regulations vary from one region to another, so you will
need to make sure the internal modem’s settings are correct for the region
in which it will be used.
To select a region, follow the steps below.
1. Click Start -> All Programs -> TOSHIBA -> Networking -> Modem
Region Select.
The internal modem does not support voice functions. All data and fax
functions are supported.
■ In case of a lightning storm, unplug the modem cable from the
telephone jack.
■ Do not connect the modem to a digital telephone line. A digital line will
damage the modem.
Do not use the Country/Region Select function in the Modem setup utility
in the Control Panel if the function is available. If you change the Country/
Region in the Control Panel, the change may not take effect.