
Bandwidth Control Rule
Select the data stream direction for the entry. The direction of
arrowhead indicates the data stream direction The DMZ port
displays in the drop-down list only when the DMZ port is
enabled. WAN-ALL means all WAN ports through which the
data flow might pass. Individual WAN port cannot be selected if
WAN-ALL rules are added.
Select the group to define the controlled users.
Individual: The bandwidth of each user equals to the current
bandwidth of this entry.
Shared: The total bandwidth of all controlled IP addresses
equals to the current bandwidth of this entry.
Guaranteed Bandwidth
Specify the Guaranteed Upstream Bandwidth for this entry.
Limited Bandwidth (Up):
Specify the Limited Upstream Bandwidth for this entry.
Guaranteed Bandwidth
Specify the Guaranteed Downstream Bandwidth for this entry.
Limited Bandwidth
Specify the Limited Downstream Bandwidth for this entry.
Effective Time:
Specify the time for the entry to take effect.
Give a description for the entry.
Activate or inactivate the entry.
List of Rules
You can view the information of the entries and edit them by the Action buttons.
The first entry in Figure 3-36 indicates: The users within group “sales” share the band
width and the
Downstream/Upstream Guaranteed Bandwidth is 5000kbps, while the Downstream/Upstream Limited
bandwidth is 10000kbps. This entry takes effect at 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. from Monday to Friday.