Motion Detection: Click to select motion detection.
Motion Detection 1: Click it on for using Motion Detection 1 function as a sensor. You can
adjust and move the detecting zone by using mouse.
Motion Detection 2: Click it on for using Motion Detection 2 function as a sensor. You can
adjust and move the detecting zone by using mouse.
Motion Detection 3: Click it on for using Motion Detection 3 function as a sensor. You can
adjust and move the detecting zone by using mouse.
Enable: Tick the box to enable the selected motion detection.
Threshold: It means the extent to which the alarm will be triggered. The default value is 50 and the
value range is 0~100. The larger the value, the higher the threshold.
Sensitivity: It means that how often the sensor will scan the image different. The higher sensitivity
it is and the more frequently it scans. The default value is 50 and the value range is 0~100. The
larger the value, the higher the sensitivity. e-Mail (SMTP)
Set the e-Mail (SMTP) menu when you want to send an image or video clip via e-mail. By using e-Mail
(SMTP) function, you can send a mail with attached file which has been shot linked with the external
sensor input or with the built-in motion detection function. The file can also be sent periodically.