
150Mbps Wireless N Mini Pocket Router
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5.7.1 DHCP Settings
Selecting DHCP > DHCP Settings will enable you to set up the Range Extender as a DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, which provides the TCP/IP configuration for all the
PCs that are connected to the system on the LAN. The DHCP Server can be configured on the
page (shown as Figure 5-11), only when you’ve set the Network LAN type as Static IP in Figure 5-6.
The DHCP Settings function cannot be configured if you have chosen Smart IP (DHCP) in Network ->
LAN, in which situation the device will help you configure the DHCP automatically as you need. The
DHCP Settings page will appear as Figure 5-10.
Figure 5-10 DHCP Settings
Figure 5-11 DHCP Settings
DHCP Server - Selecting the radio button before Disable/Enable will disable/enable the
DHCP server on your Range Extender. The default setting is Enable. If you disable the