A business of
American Standard Companies
Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and it reserves the right to change
design and specifications without notice.
Installer’s Guide
After installation has been completed, it is recommended that the entire system be checked against the following list:
1. Refrigerant Line, Leak checked ................................... [ ]
2. Suction Lines and Fittings properly insulated ............ [ ]
3. Have all Refrigerant Lines been secured and
isolated properly? ......................................................... [ ]
4. Have passages through masonry been sealed?
If mortar is used, prevent mortar from coming
into direct contact with copper tubing ......................... [ ]
5. Verify tightness of all electrical connects .................... [ ]
6. Observe outdoor fan during on cycle for clearance
and smooth operation................................................... [ ]
7. Indoor coil drain line drains freely. Pour water
into drain pan............................................................... [ ]
8. Supply registers and return grilles open and
unobstructed ................................................................ [ ]
9. Return air filter installed............................................. [ ]
10. Thermostat thermometer is accurate. Check
against a reliable thermometer. Adjust per
instructions with thermostat ....................................... [ ]
11. Is correct speed tap being used?
(Indoor blower motor)................................................... [ ]
12. Operate complete system in each mode to
insure safe operation. ................................................... [ ]
Note: All dimensions are in MM (Inches).
For model base size,
see table on page 7.
From Dwg. 21D152989 Rev. 0
P.I. 7/06