Table I-P-2. Zone Sensor BAYSENS020 Option Menu Settings.
Option # Description Value Factory Setting
1 Morning Warmup 0 = Disabled 0
1 = Enabled
2 Economizer minimum 0 = Disabled 1
Position override 1 = Enabled
3 Temperature Scale 0 = Fahrenheit 0
1 = Enabled
4 Heat Installed 0 = No 0
1 = Yes
5 Time Clock 0 = 12 hours 0
1 = 24 hours
6 Hydronic Heat 0 = No 0
1 = Yes
7 Daytime Warmup 0 = Disabled 0
1 = Enabled
8 Programmable Days/Week 0 = 7 days (M,T,W,T,F,S,S) 0
1 = 3 days (M-F, S, S)
2 = 2 days (M-F, S,S)
9 Programmable Periods/Day 2,3,4 4
10 Remote Sensor Installed 0 = No 0
1 = Yes
11 Check Filter Interval 0 = Disabled 350
3000 to 50 in 50 hour
12 Display Zone Temperature 0 = No 1
1 = Yes
13 Keypad Lockout Enabled 0 = Disabled 1
1 = Enabled
14 Initial Time Setting in Temporary 1,2,3,4,5 3
Override Mode (hrs.)
15 Buzzer Options 0 = Key Press only 1
1 = Key Press & Check filter
2 = Key Press, Check Filter,
and System Failures
16 Zone Temperature Calibration Displays current temp. 0 offset
with any offsets
17 Default Cooling Setpoint 45 to 98 F (unoccupied) 74 F
18 Default Heating Setpoint 43 to 96 F (unoccupied) 68 F
19 Default Supply Air Cool 40 to 80 F (occupied) 55 F
20 Default Supply Air Heat 60 to 160 F 100 F
21 Default Warmup 50 to 90 F (occupied) 68
22 Minimum Cooling Setpoint 45 to 98 F 45 F
23 Maximum Heating Setpoint 43 to 96 F 96 F
24 Minimum Supply Air Cool 40 to 80 F (occupied) 40 F
25 Maximum Supply Air Heat 60 to 160 F 160 F
26 Maximum Warmup 50 to 90 F 90 F
Note: On both programmable zone sensor
options, changing either option 9 or 10 will
erase the current program. To avoid
reprogramming, set options 9 and 10
before programming.
Intelligent Copy
Note: Once you have used Intelligent
Copy, you cannot use it again until you
ERASE all weekday and weekend time
periods by pressing ERASE for 5 seconds.
If your heating and cooling requirements
are the same for each day of the week,
and for each day of the weekend, your
ZSM is designed to employ Intelligent
To program the five weekdays, Monday
through Friday, program only one
weekday. Likewise, to program the
weekend, Saturday and Sunday, pro-
gram only one day. After programming
one weekday and/or one weekend day,
Intelligent Copy automatically copies your
program to the other days.
Using Intelligent Copy:
1) Be sure to select the seven day
programming format in the Options
Menu. See Tables I-P-1 and I-P-2.
2) Be sure the entire program is blank.
3) Go to the program menu.
4) Enter your setpoint parameters.
Intelligent Copy will automatically copy
these parameters to the other
5) Depress the DAY pushbutton until a
weekend day icon appears.
6) Enter setpoint parameters. Intelligent
Copy will automatically copy these
parameters to the other weekend day.
Remote Panel Indicator Signals From
The unit control module (UCM) can send
four signals to the ZSM.
• Heat
• Cool
• On
• Service
Each of these four signals have three
different conditions. See Table I-P-3.
• Off
• On
• Flashing
Table I-P-3. UCM Signal Conditions.
Signal Condition
Heat On FlashingHEAT is ON and indicated by a solid HEAT icon in the
Display. Failure in the cooling system indicated by a flashing COOL
FAIL icon.
Cool On FlashingCOOLING is ON and indicated by a solid COOL icon in the
Display. Failure in the cooling system indicated by a flashing
On Off FlashingSystem is OFF and indicated by a solid colon on the time of
On day display. System is ON and indicated by a flashing colon on
the time of day display. System is in TEST mode and indicated by a
flashing TEST icon.
Service Flashing ON System requires service and is indicated by a solid SERVICE
icon. There is a FAN failure indicated by a flashing SERVICE icon.
Note: There is no indication for a signal in the OFF condition. If Option 16 is set to “2,” any flashing signals will
also give audible buzzer indication