7 Start Up Troubleshooting
7.1.1 Option Panel Alarm and Warnings
Title Definition
220 Overload Trip Motor overload has tripped. Indicates excess motor load. Check motor and driven load. To reset,
press [Off Reset]. Then, to restart the system, press [Auto on] or [Hand on].
221 Bypass Interlock Bypass interlock has opened and caused the motor to stop. Correct the problem. Depending on
the setting of parameter 14-20, the system will either automatically reset this alarm or require the
[Off Reset] key to be pressed.
222 M2 Open Failed ECB: The contactor that connects the drive to the motor failed to open. The motor can not be
223 M2 Close Failed ECB: The contactor that connects the drive to the motor failed to close. The motor can not be
224 M3 Open Failed ECB: The contactor that connects the motor to the power line has failed to open.
226 M3 Close Failed ECB: The contactor that connects the motor to the power line has failed to close. The motor can
not be operated.
227 Bypass Com Error Communication between the main control card and the bypass option has been lost. Motor control
lost. It will be possible to run the motor using Manual Bypass Override.
228 APU Low Voltage The Option Panel Power Supply has failed, or there is a power problem.
229 Motor Disconn. Terminal 3 on connector X57 of the ECB control card shows an open. This generally means that
neither motor has been selected in contactor motor select. Select a motor.
Table 7.1 Option Panel Alarms and Warnings (ECB only)
DisplayText Definition
Bypass Run Starts in: Indicates the number of sec. until the motor will be started in bypass. This time delay
can be adjusted using parameter 31-01.
Bypass Activates in: Indicates the number of sec. left until the system automatically activates Bypass Mode.
Time delay can be adjusted using parameter 31-02.
Table 7.2 Option Panel Status Display (ECB only)
Start Up Troubleshooting