Table I-ER-11. Force Flo single stage, low kW electric heat
unit size voltage # wires kW amps/ph kW amps/ph kW amps/ph
02 208/60/1 2 0.75 3.7 1.5 7.3
240/60/1 2 1.0 4.2 2.0 8.4
277/60/1 2 1.0 3.7 2.0 7.3
03 208/60/1 2 2.25 10.9
240/60/1 2 3.0 12.5
277/60/1 2 3.0 10.9
208/60/3 3 2.25 6.3
240/60/3 3 3.0 7.3
480/60/3 4 3.0 3.7
04 208/60/1 2 2.25 10.9
240/60/1 2 3.0 12.5
277/60/1 2 3.0 10.9
208/60/3 3 2.25 6.3
240/60/3 3 3.0 7.3
480/60/3 4 3.0 3.7
06 208/60/1 2 2.25 10.9 3.3 15.9
240/60/1 2 3.0 12.5 4.5 18.8
277/60/1 2 3.0 10.9 4.5 16.3
208/60/3 3 2.25 6.3 3.3 9.2
240/60/3 3 3.0 7.3 4.5 10.9
480/60/3 4 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.5
08 208/60/1 2 2.25 10.9 3.3 15.9 4.5 21.7
240/60/1 2 3.0 12.5 4.5 18.8 6.0 25.0
277/60/1 2 3.0 10.9 4.5 16.3 6.0 21.7
208/60/3 3 2.25 6.3 3.3 9.2 4.5 12.5
240/60/3 3 3.0 7.3 4.5 10.9 6.0 14.5
480/60/3 4 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.5 6.0 7.3
10 208/60/1 2 2.25 10.9 3.3 15.9 5.7 27.5
240/60/1 2 3.0 12.5 4.5 18.8 7.5 31.3
277/60/1 2 3.0 10.9 4.5 16.3 7.5 27.1
208/60/3 3 2.25 6.3 3.3 9.2 5.7 15.9
240/60/3 3 3.0 7.3 4.5 10.9 7.5 18.1
480/60/3 4 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.5 7.5 9.1
12 208/60/1 2 2.25 10.9 3.3 15.9 6.6 31.8
240/60/1 2 3.0 12.5 4.5 18.8 9.0 37.5
277/60/1 2 3.0 10.9 4.5 16.3 9.0 32.5
208/60/3 3 2.25 6.3 3.3 9.2 6.6 18.4
240/60/3 3 3.0 7.3 4.5 10.9 9.0 21.7
480/60/3 4 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.5 9.0 10.9
Note: All data based on individual units. Electric heat will operate only with fan at high speed.
Table I-ER-10. Force Flo single-stage, max kW electric heat
unit heater heater
size volts hz phase wires kW amps/ph
208 1 2 2.25 10.9
240 1 2 3.0 12.5
02 277 60 1 2 3.0 10.9
208 3 3 2.25 6.3
240 3 3 3.0 7.3
480 3 4 3.0 3.7
208 1 2 4.5 21.7
240 1 2 6.0 25.0
03 277 60 1 2 6.0 21.7
208 3 3 4.5 12.6
240 3 3 6.0 14.5
480 3 4 6.0 7.3
208 1 2 5.7 27.5
240 1 2 7.5 31.3
04 277 60 1 2 7.5 27.1
208 3 3 5.7 15.9
240 3 3 7.5 18.1
480 3 4 7.5 9.1
208 1 2 7.9 38.0
240 1 2 10.5 43.8
06 277 60 1 2 10.5 38.0
208 3 3 7.9 21.9
240 3 3 10.5 25.3
480 3 4 10.5 12.7
Note: All data based on individual units. Electric heat will operate only with fan at high speed.