Figure 3
In selecting the location, the aesthetic and functional use of the appliance are primary concerns.
However, vent system routing to the outside atmosphere and access to the fuel supply are also im-
portant. Consideration should be given to traffi c ways, furniture, draperies, etc., due to high surface
temperatures (see illustrations). The location should also be free of electrical, plumbing or other
heating / air conditioning ducting.
These direct vent appliances are uniquely suited for installations requiring a utility shelf positioned
directly above the fi replace. Utility shelves like these are commonly used for locating television sets
and decorative plants. Be aware that this is a heat producing appliance. Objects placed above
the unit are exposed to elevated temperatures.
If a shelf is to be installed above appliance, see Shelf Height Minimum Clearances (Figure 8 on
Page 9).
The appliance should be mounted on a fully supported base extending the full width and depth of the
appliance. The appliance may be located on or near conventional construction materials. However, if
installed on combustible materials, such as carpeting, vinyl tile, etc., a metal or wood barrier covering
the entire bottom surface of the appliance must be used.
Offset Venting
(one end fl ush
with wall)
Horizontal Vent
(side vent)
Horizontal Vent
(top vent)
This appliance may be installed in an after-
market permanently located, manufactured
home (USA only) or mobile home, where not
prohibited by local codes.
This appliance may be installed as an OEM
installation in a manufactured home (USA
only) or mobile home and must be installed
in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and the Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24
CPF, Part 3280 or Standard for Installa-
tion in Mobile Homes, CAN/CSA Z240 MH.
Cet appareil peut être installé comme du
matériel d'origine dans une maison préfabri-
quée (É.-U. seulement) ou mobile et doit être
installé selon les instructions du fabricant
et conformément à la norme Manufactured
Home Construction and Safety Standard, Title
24 CPF, Part 3280 ou à la norme CAN/CSA
Z240 Série MM, Maisons Mobiles.
Cet appareil peut être installé dans un maison
préfabriquée (É.-U. seulement) ou mobile déjà
installée à demeure si les réglements locaux
le permettent.
Manufactured Home installations must be
installed in accordance with these instructions
and the following standards / codes:
• Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standard Title 24 CFR, Part 3280, or
the current Standard for Fire Safety Criteria
for Manufactured Home Installations, Sites
and Communities ANSI / NFPA 501A in the
USA, and CAN / CSA Z240 MH Mobile Home
Standard in Canada
• (when applicable) The American National
Standard for Manufactured Homes (NCS-
BCS / ANSI A225.1 - latest edition).
Manufactured Home Installations: Ensure that the cross members are not cut or weakened during installation.
The structural integrity of the manufactured home fl oor, wall, and ceiling / roof must be maintained.
This appliance must be grounded to the chassis of the manufactured home in accordance with local codes
or in the absence of local codes, with the National Electrical Code ANSI / NFPA 70 - latest edition or the
Canadian Electrical Code CSA C22.1 - latest edition.