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Network >> Event Server
The settings of Email, FTP and SAMBA are used when the event happens, schedule
snapshot executes, or the alarm input is triggered. Select the item to display the
detailed configuration options. You can configure either one or all of them.
Mail Setting
Login Method: Select "Anonymous" to disable the authentication feature, or
select "Account" and then enter the Username and Password according to
the mail server configuration.
Mail Server: Enter the mail server address. For example, myserver.com. If
you are using a free mail service (e.g. Google gmail.com®, Yahoo®,
Hotmail®), please enter the SMTP server address from the service provider.
Username & Password: Enter the sender's username and password to login
the mail server. For free mail server, please the email address as the
Sender's Mail: Enter the email address of the user who will send the email.
Receiver's Mail: Enter the mail address of the user who will receive the
email. Use semicolon to separate each address. It can contain up to 64
characters in the column.
Bcc Mail: Enter the mail address of the blind carbon copy receiver.