
TFM-PCIV92A User’s Guide
- 17 - Rev.
Appendix 2 AT command set
Executing commands
Your modem is in Command Mode upon power-on and is ready to receive and execute AT commands. The
modem remains in Command Mode until it makes a connection with a remote modem. Commands may be
sent to the modem from an attached terminal or a PC running a communication program. This modem is
designed to operate at common DTE speeds ranging from 115.2 Kbps to 300 bps. All commands and data
must be issued to the modem using one of the valid DTE speeds.
AT commands and format
All commands must begin with the AT prefix, followed by the command letter and ended with the ENTER key.
All default settings are printed in bold text. Spaces are allowed in the command string to increase command
line readability but are ignored by the modem during command execution. All commands may be typed in
either upper or lower case, but not mixed. A command issued without any parameters is considered as
specifying the same command with a parameter of "0".
Example: ATL [ENTER]
This command causes your modem to lower its speaker volume.
AT Command Summary
A/ Repeat last command
A Answer
B0 Select V.22/V.21
B1 Select B212A/B103
B15 Select V.21 when the modem is at 300 BPS
B16 Select Bell 103J when the modem is at 300 BPS
D Dial
0 - 9 Dialing digits
ABCD*# Tone dial characters
L Redial last number
P Pulse dial
T Tone dial
V The modem switches to speakerphone mode and dials the number
R The modem goes into answer mode directly after finish dialing
S=n Dial stored telephone number n
W Wait for dial tone
AT Command prefix
TFM-PCIV92A User’s Guide
- 18 - Rev.
, Pause the time specified in S-register S8
! Flash hook
@ Wait for quiet answer
^ Disable data calling tone transmission
$ Bong tone detection
; Return to command mode
E0 Disables echo
E1 Enables echo
H0 Hang up the telephone line
H1 Pick up the telephone line
I0 Reports modem identify string and driver version number
I1 Calculate ROM checksum and report it to DTE
I2 Verifies ROM checksum and report OK or ERROR
I3 Report modem identify string and driver version number
I4 Report firmware version for datapump
I5 Report the board/firmware ID, country ID and subsystem vendor ID
I9 Report country ID
I11 Report connection information
L0 Low speaker volume
L1 Low speaker volume
L2 Medium speaker volume
L3 High speaker volume
M0 Speaker always off
M1 Speaker on until carrier present
M2 Speaker always on
M3 Speaker off during dialing; speaker on until carrier present
N0 Handshake only at the communication standard specified by S37 and
ATB command
N1 Begin the handshake at the communication standard specified by s37 and ATB,
and fallback to lower speed may occur
O0 Return to data mode
O1 Retrain and return to data mode
O3 Rate re-negotiation and return to data mode
P Select pulse dialing
Q0 Enables result code
Q1 Disables result code
Sn Select S-register n; refer to S-register summary for the details
AT Command prefix