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2. The main screen will appear as below, and it starts to search the
connected print server within the network.
Component Features:
1. Device List: Display the connected print server within the
2. Control Buttons
- Change IP Address:
Click this button to bring
up the following dialog
box, allowing you to
change the IP Address.
In this dialog box, you can
select either Manually
Assign or DHCP Assign
Automatically. When
completed, click OK.
- Update Firmware: Click this button to update the firmware
of the selected print server.
Your print server
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- Show Web Setup: Click this button to open your web
browser and launch the Configuration Utility. Alternately,
you can double-click the print server in the Device List to
launch the Configuration Utility.
- Factory Reset: Click this button to reload the factory settings
of the print server.
- Discover Device: Click this button to search the connected
print server again.
- About: Click this button to bring up a window containing the
basic information of PS-Utility.
- Close: Click this button to exit PS-Utility.
3. Information Field: Display the basic information of the selected
print server in the Device List.
4. Status Bar: Display the system status.