TW100-BRV204 User’s Guide
Use the Microsoft VPN feature:
• PPTP Server in the TW100-BRV204 .
• User and Client setup.
• Checking VPN connection Status.
Chapter 9:
Microsoft VPN
Configure or use any of the following:
• Configuration File backup and restore.
• Network Diagnostic
• PC Database
• Remote Administration
• Routing
• Upgrade Firmware
• UPnP
Chapter 9:
Other Features and Settings
Where use of a certain feature requires that
PCs or other LAN devices be configured, this
is also explained in the relevant chapter.
Configuration Program
The TW100-BRV204 contains an HTTP server. This enables you to connect to it, and config-
ure it, using your Web Browser. Your Browser must support JavaScript. The configuration
program has been tested on the following browsers:
• Netscape V4.08 or later
• Internet Explorer V4 or later
Before attempting to configure the TW100-BRV204 , please ensure that:
• Your PC can establish a physical connection to the TW100-BRV204 . The PC and the
TW100-BRV204 must be directly connected (using the Hub ports on the TW100-
BRV204 ) or on the same LAN segment.
• The TW100-BRV204 must be installed and powered ON.
• If the TW100-BRV204 's default IP Address ( is already used by another
device, the other device must be turned OFF until the TW100-BRV204 is allocated a new
IP Address during configuration.
Using UPnP
If your Windows system supports UPnP, an icon for the TW100-BRV204 will appear in the
system tray, notifying you that a new network device has been found, and offering to create a
new desktop shortcut to the newly-discovered device.
• Unless you intend to change the IP Address of the TW100-BRV204 , you can accept the
desktop shortcut.
• Whether you accept the desktop shortcut or not, you can always find UPnP devices in My
Network Places (previously called Network Neighborhood).