Cleaning CitriStar
1. Unplug the cord from the electrical outlet. Remove the ream, screen, and
juice collector from the appliance.
2. Flip the spout down fully in order to clean it properly. The spout cannot be
detached from the appliance.
3. Clean the ream, screen, and juice collector by using warm soapy water. Dry
all parts. Do not clean parts in a dishwasher.
4. Clean the motor base by using a moist cloth. Never immerse the motor base
in water or rinse it under running water.
When You Need Service
In the unlikely event that you do need service on your CitriStar, or if it fails to
function properly while within the warranty period (normal household operation
only) - contact the nearest authorized CitriStar Service Center. PLEASE FOLLOW
USA: Tribest Corp. 1143 N. Patt Street ., Anaheim, CA 92801, USA
TEL: 714-879-7150; 888-254-7336. FAX: 714-879-7140
EMAIL: service@tribest.com WEBSITE: www.tribestlife.com
Call to obtain a return authorization number to send your unit or part back to
the service center. Explain the problem you are experiencing.
Pack your CitriStar or part securely in the original shipping box. Make sure
all necessary parts are enclosed. Fill out the Service Request Form below,
detach it and enclose it in the shipping box.
Securely seal the shipping box with strapping tape.
Address the box to the service center. Be sure to put your return address
and the Return Authorization Number on the outside of the package.
It is always wise to insure the package against possible damages or loss in
transit. Ship prepaid.
----------------------------Detach Form on Dotted Line------------------------------------
Service Request Form
1. First Name______________________ Intial_______
Last Name______________________
Address: Street_______________________________________ Apt #___
City___________________________State_________ Zip___________
2.Serial #____________________ Model#__________________________
3.Reason for service request______________________
4.Date of Purchase________________ 5. Place of Purchase____________
6.Name of parcel/post carrier ( In case of damage during delivery)_______