
10. If no voltage is present, remove the second cell.
Install cell number one and measure voltage as
described in step #7. If voltage is present, the
second cell, which is now out of the cabinet, is
11. If no voltage is present, remove both Ionizing-
Collecting Cells and measure the power supply
output. While depressing the safety interlock
switch lever, touch the end of the high voltage
probe to either the front or rear contact board
assembly. The meter should read 6.2 KVDC or
12. If no voltage is present, check the transformer. Set
the Multimeter for reading AC voltage at 200 volt
full scale and attach meter test leads to the
junction of the transformer secondary leads and
the circuit board. The meter should read 24 volts
+/– 4 volts.
13. If there is no voltage from the transformer,
replace the transformer and power supply board.
Measuring Voltage at Ionizing
Collecting Cell
Measuring Voltage at Contact
Board Assemblies
This Electronic Air Cleaner is a two-stage electrostatic precipitator. The air cleaner is designed to
remove airborne particulates, including dust, dirt, smoke, pollen, virus, spores, bacteria, and
mold from indoor air.
Air movement through the unit is provided by the heating, air conditioning or ventilating system
blower. As dirty air enters the air cleaner, the air passes through Metal Mesh Pre-filters. The Pre-
filters prevent lint, pet hair and other large particulates from entering the air cleaner. It is
important that these filters be in place to prevent excessive dirt loading of the air cleaner
Ionizing-Collecting Cells. These filters extend the time interval between scheduled maintenance
of the air cleaner, which allows the Ionizing-Collecting Cells to provide clean air for a longer
period between washings.
The pre-filtered air then passes through a two-stage Electronic Air Cleaner. In the first stage, all
airborne particulate, even submicron size, are electronically charged (positive) as they pass
through the ionizer section. The ionizer field is a result of a corona discharge emanating from
the fine, tightly strung wires suspended between two adjacent flat plates. In the second stage,
the charged particulate passes through an intense electrical field established between
alternately charged and grounded parallel collector plates. Here, the charged (positive)
particulate is attracted to the ground (negative) plates and removed from the air stream.
For Qualified HVAC
Installer Only