
Oven Controls
1. Menu Icon/Temperature Icon
Touch to turn the oven on and cook in menu
cook mode (page 8).
NOTE: If Manual Mode is disabled, a
temperature icon will be shown instead of the
menu icon.
2. Manual Icon
Touch to turn the oven on and cook in
manual cook mode (page 11). The Manual
icon is only present if enabled (page 14).
3. “i” Icon
Touch to access Info Mode (page 13). The “i”
icon is only displayed when the oven is off,
warming up, cooling down, or in edit mode.
4. Off Icon
Touch to turn the oven off (cool down).
5. Edit Icon
The Edit icon will only be displayed when
Edit Mode (page 18) is enabled. Touching this
icon will allow you to edit existing
menu items.
6. Groups/Items (1-8 and 9-16)
The oven contains 16 food groups divided
into 2 groups of 8. Each food group contains
16 items divided into 2 groups of 8.
7. Group Name
When viewing items, the group name indicates
which group is being displayed.
8. Set Temperature Toggle
The set temperature toggle will only be
displayed when operating with two different
set temperatures. Touch the toggle to view
groups from the other set temperature.
9. Menu/Manual Toggle
The Menu/Manual toggle will only be
displayed when manual cooking is enabled
and will allow you to switch between
menu mode (page 8) and manual cook
mode (page 11).
10. More/Previous Groups or Items
This icon will only be displayed when using
one set temperature. To view additional
groups or items, touch “More Groups”
or “More Items.” Or, if on screen two, touch
“Previous Groups” or “Previous Items.”
Oven Controls
NOTE: Display options vary depending on which features are enabled.
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