Before servicing this unit, take readings from the electronic control (refer to The Electronic Temperature
Control for checking actual temperatures, if needed). These actual readings are important to take before
having the drawers open for more than 30 seconds to obtain accurate readings.
Top drawer temperature: __________
This temperature should be within a few degrees of the setpoint.
Bottom drawer temperature: _________
This temperature should be within a few degrees of the setpoint.
If there is a dot illuminated above the temperature display, there has been a problem with the thermistor. If
you can read the actual temperatures then the problem has been corrected. If you were unable to read the
temperatures or if you read 99, then the thermistor is not working and the circuit board and thermistors
must be changed. The thermistor harness is matched to the circuit board and these must be changed as an
1Temperatures not cold enough
• Check actual temperatures versus setpoint. After 24 hours of runtime, temperatures should be with-
in a few degrees of setpoint.
• Drawers left open or not sealing properly.
• Clean condenser.
2 Temperatures too cold
• Check actual temperatures versus setpoint.
• Ensure thermistors are pushed all the way into the well tube.
• If top drawer is well below setpoint and the lower drawer is not achieving setpoint the thermistors
may be switched.
• If bottom drawer is well below setpoint and the upper drawer is not achieving setpoint the valve
power wires may be switched.