Vessels outside the range of direct inter-ship VHF communi-
cations can make extended range (up to 10 times greater)
ship-to-ship calls by using Seaphone stations as talk-
through repeaters. And the first 20 seconds is free.
1. Choose the Seaphone channel which you know the
other vessel(s) is monitoring in your area and listen
briefly to ensure that the channel is clear.
2. Dial the numbers "333" on the keypad and press the
Asterisk [*] button. Your Seaphone ID and the dialed
number will automatically be transmitted.
3. A voice announcement will follow saying "Your
Seaphone ship-to-ship channel is now open, please
4. Now call the vessel you wish to talk to -eg: "Unicom
Unicom, this is Mariner, Mariner on Channel 23. Do you
copy? Over."
5. When the other vessel responds operate your PTT
Switch in the normal manner. To terminate your call,
simply press the HASH [I] button and listen for the
"Thank you for calling" voice announcement.
Important Note:
Pressing the HASH [I] button and receiving the latter
voice announcement ensures that call charging is
Ship-to-ship Seaphone repeater calls are currently charged
at just $0.75 per minute with 20 seconds of free establish-
ment time.
If you are involved in an emergency at sea and you have
made a distress call on Channel 16 or 67 without response
from a coast station or another vessel, simply switch to an
unoccupied Seaphone channel appropriate to your area.
Dial "999" and press asterisk "*".
There is no need for you to wait if all Seaphone channels
are busy because a "999" call will usually override any
established Seaphone traffic in progress at the time.
Your signal will immediately activate a high priority alarm at
your nearest Seaphone station, the operator's screen will
switch to red alert and the Seaphone computer system will
automatically display your vessel's name radio callsign,
owner's name, address and telephone number for urgent
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