
Installation ~
Plan the location of the radio and microphone bracket before starting installation.
Select a location that isconvenient for operation and does not interfere with the
driver or passenger in the vehicle. The radio should be securely fastened to a solid
surface using the mounting bracket and self-tapping screws which are provided.
Negative Ground System
Mobile Antenna
Ifyou are operating on a negative ground system, connect the red DCpower cord
from the radio to the positive "+" battery terminal or other convenient point and
connect the black power lead to the chassis orvehicle frame, orthe negative "-"
terminal of the battery.
Since the maximum allowable power output of the transceiver is limited by the
D.O.C, the antenna isa veryimportant factor affecting transmission distance. It is
forthis reason that we strongly recommend that you installonly a quality antenna
in your new CBradio system. Youhave purchased a superior quality transceiver.
Don't diminish its performance by installing an inferior antenna.
Only a properly matched antenna system willallow maximum power transfer from
the 50-ohm transmission line to the radiating element. We recommend that you
use an SWRmeter when installing your antenna. Setyour PRO 5000 to channel
20 and make adjustments to the antenna until the meter reads as close to 1as pos-
sible. YourUniden dealer isqualified to assist you in the selection ofthe proper an-
tenna to meet your application requirements.
Forautomobile installation, the whip antenna may be used with good effect. The
most efficient and practical installation is a full quarter wave whip antenna
mounted on the rear deck or fender top, midway between the rear window and
t\ short "loaded" whip antenna is more convenient to install on your automobile,
although the efficiency is less than a full quarter wave whip antenna.
Formarine installation, consult your dealer forinformation regarding an adequate
grounding system and prevention of electrolysis between fittings on the hull and
Positive Ground System
Ifyou are operating on a positive ground system, connect the black DC power
cordfromthe radioto the negative"-" batteryterminalorother convenientpoint
and connect the red power lead to the chassis orvehicle frame, orthe positive "+"
terminal of the battery.
Ground Information
Most newer cars and small trucks use a negative ground system, while some older'
cars and some newer larger trucks may use a positive ground system. A negative
ground systemisgenerallyidentifiedbythe "-" batteryterminalbeingconnected
to the vehicle motor block, but ifyou cannot determine the polarity ofyour vehi-
cle, consult your vehicle dealer for information.
NOTE: Thisradio maybe installed and used in any 12-voltDCnegative or positive
ground system.