
Fire Tone-Out Introduction
Your sca nner can be set to re spond to fire t one-o ut s, a syst em comp rised of
standardized two-tone sequential paging, shor t one-tone paging, and long gr oup
tone pagin g. You can save up t o 10 set t in gs. When you select a settin g in standb y
m od e, the scan ne r also mo nitors for a ny other setting that uses th e same tra nsm it
frequency, modulation, and attenuation settings. T o quickly switch to Fire T one-Out
mode, press F and then press [SQ].
You need tone-out setup inform ation from the agency you w ish to monitor. C heck
wi th yo ur lo c al a gency or o n- l i ne r eso ur ces as U ni de n Am er i ca Corpor ation ha s n o
information rega rd ing loca l tone-out systems.
Setting Tone-Out Standby
[MENU] Tone-Out for... F
Tone-Out Standby F
Turn the Scroll Control to se lect wh ich of the ten ton e-outs to m on itor. Al l
tone-outs that have the sam e frequency, modulation, and attenuati on s etting as
the one you select, are also monitor ed.
In sta ndby mod e, t he display cycle s t hrou gh all monit ored t one-out set t in gs.
Reg ardless of t he curr ent d isp la y, the scann er a lways ale rt s on an y received
tone -o ut tha t m atches a stored settin g.
If you press [HOLD/RESUME] while i n standby mode, the scanner tem porar il y
exits the m ode and you hear all transmi ssions on that frequency. No alerts sound,
even i f a tone- o ut match es o ne yo u have stor ed. Pr es s [HOLD/RESUME] again to
re tur n to standb y m ode .
Setting Up Tone-Out
[MENU] Tone-Out for... F
Tone-Out Setup F
Scro ll to select the tone-o ut (1 - 10) you wan t to pro gram, the n pr ess F. T he n you
can scr oll to any of the following settings and press F to select and mo dify the
selecte d settin gs:
Edit Name — Sets the n ame for the selected tone -ou t setting .
Set Frequency — Sets the to ne -out’s RF freq u en cy p aramete rs. The n select: