[ 6 ]
BBaatttteerryy uussee ttiimmee ((ppeerr cchhaarrggee))
From fully charged
• Seven hours continuous use
• Fourteen days when the handset is in the standby mode
LLooww BBaatttteerryy AAlleerrtt
When the battery pack is very low and needs to be charged, the phone is
programmed to eliminate functions in order to save power. If the phone is not in
use, the
LED flashes when the battery pack is low.
If the phone is in use, the
LED flashes and the handset beeps. Complete
your conversation as quickly as possible and return the handset to the base for
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee BBaatttteerryy CChhaarrggiinngg CCoonnttaaccttss
TToo mmaaiinnttaaiinn aa ggoooodd cchhaarrggee,, iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo cclleeaann tthhee
bbaatttteerryy ccoonnttaaccttss oonn tthhee hhaannddsseett aanndd bbaassee uunniitt wwiitthh aa ddrryy
ccllootthh oorr aa ppeenncciill eerraasseerr aabboouutt oonnccee aa mmoonntthh..
DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy lliiqquuiiddss oorr ssoollvveennttss..
• Even when the
battery pack is not
being used, it will
gradually discharge
over a long period of
time. For optimum
performance, be sure
to return the handset
to the base unit after
each telephone call .
• If you must replace
the battery pack
during a telephone
call, complete the
replacement within
30 seconds, and you
can return to the
original call.
The last number dialed in the redial memory and the numbers stored in the
memory locations are retained for up to 1 minute while you replace the
battery pack.