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OPERATION: The smoke alarm is operating once the battery power is connected by removing the
PULL-TAB. When products of combustion are sensed, the alarm sounds a loud alarm which continues
until the air is cleared.
This alarm incorporates the NFPA recognized horn signal for evacuation. During alarm mode, the
horn produces three long beeps followed by a two second pause and then continually repeats.
READY/ACTIVE CONDITION: The red LED blinks on once approx. every 40-45 seconds to indicate
the alarm is properly functioning.
ALARM CONDITION: The red LED blinks on once approx. every 2 seconds and the alarm emits a
loud, pulsating alarm sound.
The smoke alarm is designed to minimize nuisance alarms. Smoking will
not normally set off the alarm unless smoke is blown directly into the smoke alarm. Combustion
particles from cooking may set off the alarm if the smoke alarm is located close to the kitchen
cooking surface. Large quantities of combustion particles are generated from spills or broiling.
If the smoke alarm does sound, check for fires first. If a fire is discovered, get out and call the fire
department. If no fire is present, check to see if one of the reasons listed above may have caused
the alarm. Use the Silence Feature if it is a nuisance alarm, or reset the alarm by pressing and
holding the test button for ten seconds. Refer to RESET below.
TESTING: Test by pushing the Test button on the smoke alarm cover until the alarm sounds, then
release. The alarm sounds if all electronic circuitry, horn and battery are working. If no alarm sounds,
the alarm may have a power supply failure. Test the smoke alarm weekly to assure proper
feature will allow you to immediately locate the originating
alarm (once the alarm has stopped sounding). To initiate QUICK FIND
, press the Test/Silence
button on each alarm. After releasing the button, the originating alarm will continue to sound for 60
seconds. In a non-interconnected installation, it is necessary to test each alarm to determine the
originating alarm.
RESET: To reset the QUICK FIND
Alarm Origination Mode - Hold the Test/Silence button for
10 seconds, or temporarily remove (and then replace) the battery. This will clear alarm
origination indicator.
NEVER use an open flame of any kind to test this smoke alarm. You might accidentally damage
or set fire to the smoke alarm or to your home. The built-in test switch accurately tests the
smoke alarm's operation as required by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL).
If you choose to use an aerosol smoke product to test the smoke alarm, be certain to use one
that has been Listed to Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Safety Standards and use it only as
directed. Use of non-UL Listed products or improper use of UL Listed products may affect
the smoke alarm's sensitivity.
NUISANCE ALARM SILENCE FEATURE: This feature is to be used only when a known alarm
condition, such as smoke from cooking, activates the smoke alarm. The smoke alarm Silence
Feature is activated by pushing and releasing the Silence button on the smoke alarm cover while in
alarm condition. The smoke alarm will automatically reduce sensitivity and the red LED will blink on
approx. every 2 seconds to indicate the alarm is in the Silence mode. The smoke alarm will gradually
regain normal sensitivity and sound the alarm if particles of combustion are still present. The 8-12
minute Silence feature may be used repeatedly until the air has cleared, by pushing and releasing
the Silence button again. Resetting the smoke alarm after a nuisance alarm is recommended.