115121-01B 13
Note: Before troubleshooting system, make sure power to circuit from breaker or fuse panel
is turned ON.
The three most common causes of a malfunctioning electric replace are:
1. Tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse.
2. Loose or burned out light bulb.
3. Obstructed or clogged fan blower.
1. No power to replace
2. Defective switch lamp
3. Defective wiring
1. Tangled or loose flame
2. Obstructed or clogged fan
3. Damaged or dislodged fan
blower wheel
1. Burned out or loose light
2. Broken lamp xture
3. Loose or missing reective
1. Obstructed heater blower
2. Burned out heat element
or blower fan
3. Defective heater switch or
Check circuit breaker or fuse
2. Replace defective switch.
See Servicing Control Pan-
el, page 16
3. Check connections from
main power harnesses to
terminals on control panel.
See Servicing Control Pan-
el, page 16
1. Inspect ame pennants. Un-
tangle or replace if neces-
sary. See Servicing Flame
Pennants, page 18
2. Check fan blower for de-
bris. Vacuum areas around
blower wheel and remove
any obstructions. See Main-
taining Motors, page 15
3. Remove and inspect fan
blower housing See Servic-
ing Fan Blower, page 18
1. Inspect light bulbs; tighten
or replace light bulbs as
necessary. See Replacing
Light Bulbs, page 15
2. Remove and replace broken
lamp xture. See Replacing
Lamp Fixtures, page 20
3. Inspect reective ribbons.
Reattach or replace as nec-
essary. See Replacing Re-
ective Ribbons, page 21
Clear heater fan of debris
or blockage; vacuum area
around blower intake and
remove any obstructions
in the discharge area. See
Maintaining Motors, page 15
2. Remov and replace blower
heater assembly. To access
and remove see Optional
Heater Accessory, page
3. Inspect wiring connections
from switch to blower. Re-
place switch if defective.
See Servicing Control Pan-
el, page 16
No operation or indicator light
at power/heater switch
Poor ame motion; ame pat-
tern is sporadic or uneven in
viewing area
Dull ame appearance or inac-
tive ember bed effect
No heat or intermittent heat
output. (If equipped with a