VX-11 User’s Manual
ote: A pair of Velodyne subwoofers is a very common setup and doubles your system’s bass
capability. When using a pair of Velodyne subwoofers in stereo, it is preferable to place each
ubwoofer by the speaker of the corresponding channel. In this case you may have to use more
than one “Y” splitter.
SPEAKER LEVEL jacks connect directly to the speaker outputs of any amplifier, integrated
amplifier, or receiver. Your amplifier section will notice no additional loading effects when you
use these inputs due to their very high impedance. If using the
SPEAKER LEVEL inputs, you
DO want to connect both channels, since different bass information might be present in each
channel going to your main speakers.
Do not use both LINE LEVEL and SPEAKER LEVEL connections simultaneously!
Caution! To avoid damage to your main amplifier, be sure to maintain correct polarity
when making all connections - red (positive) to red, and black (negative) to black. Be
sure all connections are tight, and that there are no loose strands or frayed wires.
Volume Control
This control allows you to balance the output from the subwoofer to the main
speakers/amplifier in your system. This control should be set to achieve similar output levels
from both the main speakers and subwoofer when listening to music. A good starting point for
the volume control is at the 9:00 position.
Low-pass Crossover - 50 to 200 Hz
A loudspeaker driver is incapable of handling all sound reproduction across the entire audio
spectrum by itself. Thus, the crossover splits the frequency spectrum into different pieces,
which are then handed over to individual speaker drivers. Each driver receives only the signal in
its usable frequency range and the distortion in each driver is reduced.
All line level inputs on the subwoofer sum the left and right channels together
, with the resulting
signal passing through an adjustable low-pass crossover before being amplified. The crossover
control allows you to adjust the upper limit of the subwoofer’s frequency response from 50 to
200 Hz. The subwoofer’s response will begin rolling off above the frequency you set this control
to. You should set the crossover frequency to obtain a smooth and seamless transition from
the subwoofer to the main speakers in your system. If your main speakers are smaller units
with limited low fr
equency output, you may wish to choose a higher fr
equency (such as 100 -
120 Hz) than you would with larger speakers which have greater low frequency output. With
ger speakers, you might star
t with this contr
ol set lower, such as 80 Hz.
Phase Adjustment - 0°/180°
This control allows you to “reverse” the phase of the subwoofer’s output signal 180° to correct
for any possible mismatch and resulting cancellation between the subwoofer and your main
speakers/amplifier. To adjust, simply listen to the system with music playing, then ask a friend
to adjust the phase switch from one position to the other and listen for a change in mid-bass
output. The cor
ect position will have a gr
eater amount of appar
ent mid-bass output.