Veo Capture 1300 Digital Camera 35
Taking Pictures
1. Turn on the camera by pressing the Power button. The green power
status light on the back of the camera will light up. If the green power
status light is not lit, check to make sure the batteries are properly
oriented. Also make sure the batteries are new or have enough power.
2. Frame your subject(s) in the viewfinder or use the color LCD. To
see an image in the color LCD, press the LCD Display On/Off button
on the back of the camera. The LCD allows more accurate framing of
the subject than the viewfinder, but utilizes more battery power.
3. Hold the camera steady. Press and hold the shutter button until the
camera beeps. The camera decreases the picture counter in the LCD
status display by one.
Note: The picture counter may not always decrease with every
picture. This is because every picture uses a different amount of
memory and the remaining pictures must be estimated.
Tips for Taking Great Pictures
Indoor pictures are best taken in an evenly lit room (no extremes of
light and dark in the picture). Use the flash when there is not enough
light. Frame your subject 3 to 7 feet away.
When taking outdoor photos, always make sure the sun or other light
source is behind the person taking the picture, and not beside or
behind your subject(s). Frame your subject at least 3 feet away.